Show 61 – Me, Superstitious ?
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I’m not a superstitious person, so even though this show was recorded on Friday 13th I wasn’t scared that anything might go wrong ! My only ‘superstition’ is to never mention the ‘p’ word (as in flat tyre) because I seem to tempt fate every time I do. I made it to and from work on my bike with no mishaps on the day, though I scared the living daylights out of an early morning jogger who displayed latter of the classic “fight, flight or funky” response by doing a hilarious, arms-straight-up-in-the-air, hand-waving, wide-mouthed dance on the spot…. Joggers in the dark wearing dark clothing and listening to iPods really need to be more aware of their surroundings and be more careful.
Phideaux – Little Monster
In honour of the fact that the show was recorded on Friday the 13th, and because there’ll be a TFL interview special with Phideaux talking about his new album ‘The Great Leap‘ soon, I decided to indulge in a relevant track from ‘Fiendish’.
Phideaux’s MySpace
Email Phideaux
The Winston Giles Orchestra – We Wait For Sunrise
After hearing this track on the Well Made Music podcast and feeling very uplifted and upbeat by the time it ended, I knew I had to share the good feelings with my own audience. A great track, with some lovely poetic lines from Australia. Get their new album here if you like what you heard !
The Winston Giles Orchestra’s MySpace
Email The Winston Giles Orchestra
Under Electric Light – Night Out
Another classic 80’s-tinged, New Order-ish slice of synth-pop from TFL’s good friends in Canada, Danny and Matthieu. Taken from their new Blue EP, which you buy via the link on their MySpace page.
Under Electric Light’s MySpace
Email UELThe soundbed was ‘Voix Complicite’ by Nick & Gerald.
Three From Leith theme-tune by Alex Aitken
Big props given out to:
Well Made Music – a new podcast playing podsafe ambient, electronic and lounge music from around the world hosted by a fellow Scot name Neil. If you enjoy my soundbeds, chances are you’ll love this. Try it today – it’s now one of my faves !
AMP’ed podcast – subscribe with this feed
Subscribe by RSS Feed to the free – October issue out NOW !
Thank you for continuing to support the independent artists in 2006 by listening, feeding back and buying their music.
Technorati Tags: Phideaux, The Winston Giles Orchestra, Under Electric Light, Nick & Gerald, Three From Leith, computermusictutorials, Well Made Music, AMP’ed, podcast, podcastusermagazine
Where does this show ??
October 18th, 2006 08:02
OK, so the only chance I get to listen in peace to my favourite podcast is on a quiet jog round Edinburgh early in the morning. What happens on Friday? Some bloke on a bike comes hareing along, floodlights on. I move over to the side and he tries to run me over! I can’t remember much about the guy, except he had horrible knees.
October 18th, 2006 14:14
It’s hard enough trying to find time to listen to your favourite podcast without having some nutter on a bike with floodlights on trying to mow you down. I’m cancelling my subscription!
October 19th, 2006 09:07
Ok Funky, calm down. I’m sure that once you’ve reflected on what you’ll be missing if you stop listening to TFL as you pound that lonely beat on those cold dark Edinburgh mornings. If you do have to sign out as a listener, what a show to end with. The Winston Giles Orchestra in particular. You’ll be back, I guarantee it.
October 23rd, 2006 23:16
i couldn’t believe my ears today as i listened to the story of the poor jogger! sure, i almost got hit by a stupid guy in a van trying to ovetake me, but it was worth it to hear this story 🙂 i could only imagine having a light-posessing bicycle coming at me first thing in the morning! scary for all involved i’m sure. the mental picture of the jogger though made me chuckle heartily… getting looks from others in passing cars. i hope all have recovered ok. 🙂 i will always be listening! even if Grant drove at me head on on his bicycle!! 😉